Monday, September 27, 2021

GAB N64 Final Results

Topic 57's Ratings:

Dragon Sword - GA - 75% (2)
Glover - GAAAAG - 67% (6)

Quite a significant increase for Glover, which went from 25%(8) to 67% (6). A pretty good choice for a revote in that sense I'd say, it did seem to be rather underrated the first time around.

And now, everyone's favourite, statistics!

GAB Stats for N64:

- We rated 324 games across 57 topics. It took just a little bit over 2 years.
- Of the 324 games rated, 140 (43.2%) were in the high range, 107 (33.0%) were in the mid range, and 77 (23.8%) games were in the low range.
- This is by far the most games in the high range of any system we've done so far. It's often said that N64 has the highest ratio of good games of any system, and I feel this is at least strong evidence that that is indeed the case.
- Of the 58 games whose title included the number 64, 30 (51.7%) were in the high range, 11 (19.0%) were in the moderate range, and 17 (29.3%) were in the low range.
- This supports the findings from the SNES topic that including the name of the system in your title statistically raises the chance of your game being good. What's in a name? A lot, apparently!
- 36 users gave a total of 238 SRs to 81 different games. This is the highest number of SRs given per user of any system.
- No game in the low range received an SR, which has never happened before.
- The games with the most ratings were Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, both with 26 votes. The next highest was Mario Kart 64, with 25 votes. These are also the top 3 most voted games in the history of GAB.
- In fact, N64 had 10 games that got 20 or more votes, which no GAB game has ever done before, meaning the top 10 games by number of votes are all on N64.
- Of games that got 100%, Starfox 64 had the most votes, at 20. It also tied Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the most SRs, with all 3 having 12 SRs.
- Of games that got 0%, Superman: The New Superman Adventures had the most votes, at 11. This is also the most votes for any game to ever get 0%, giving it the lowest rating ever in GAB. This is probably not a huge surprise.

Closing Thoughts:

Of all the GAB topics I've run so far, and this is the 4th system to finish, the N64 GAB was likely the most enjoyable to run. As I alluded to above, the quality rate on N64 was very high, every week I felt like I could barely choose which games would appear in the topic title. However, a big portion of what made the N64 topics so rewarding to run was all of you. The participation rate in the N64 topics was the highest we've seen on any system so far, and seeing everyone's enthusiasm for the process really helped me find the energy to keep working on it, which can be a bit tricky sometimes after all this time. I'm really grateful to everyone who participated in these topics.

I've said before that I always feel a little sad when these topics come to an end, because it kind of feels like saying goodbye to part of my past. However, it's never really over. Just yesterday, a fan translation for Shiren the Wanderer 2 was released, and I contemplated nominating that for a revote now that more people would be able to play it, but in a certain sense I appreciate that GAB can't ever truly cover everything. It lets me feel like there's always a little bit more to discover out there.

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