Monday, January 6, 2025

GAB SAT #86 - 3D Lemmings, Dragon Ball Z Densetsu, Radiant Silvergun

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Last Topic's Ratings:

Arthur to Astaroth no Nazo-Makai-Mura: Incredible Toons - AA - 50% (2)
Brain Dead 13 - BABB - 13% (4)
Magic Knight Rayearth - GAGGGG - 92% (6)
Policenauts - GGAGG - 90% (5)
Sugoventure: Dragon Master Silk Gaiden - GG - 100% (2)
Tenchi Wo Kurau 2 - GAGG - 88% (4)

By contrast to the PS1 topic, this one was very highly rated almost all around.

Games for this topic:

3D Lemmings
Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu
Gulliver Boy
Radiant Silvergun
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels
Thunderstrike 2

Well, it's 2025, and I can now announce that this is the final year of the Saturn GAB. Nothing out of the ordinary, there's just less than 150 games left on the list to rate. That means a new system will start before the year is out, but before that we've got some of the biggest titles left in the Saturn library to get to, starting here with Radiant Silvergun. Besides that, we've also got 3D Lemmings in this topic, which I owned on PC a long time ago, and I'm curious to see how it holds up.

GAB PS1 #180 - Assault Rigs, Legend of Heroes 1 and 2, Tom and Jerry

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Last Topic's Ratings:

Akuji the Heartless - GGGG - 100% (4)
Asteroids - BAAAB - 30% (5)
Dance Dance Dance - AB - 25% (2)
Hard Boiled - BAB - 17% (3)
Planet Laika - GAAA - 63% (4)
SeaBass Fishing 2 - AA - 50% (2)

Well, Akuji certainly blew the doors off the rest of the games in this topic. I guess every holiday needs a little voodoo magic.

Games for this topic:

Assault Rigs
Bottom of the 9th
Iblard: Laputa no Kaeru Machi
Legend of Heroes 1 and 2
Tom and Jerry in House Trap
Tsumu Light

Iblard looks like a pretty interesting game, there's a fan translation available for it as well. I'm also curious to see how the Legend of Heroes series started.

Monday, December 23, 2024

GAB SAT #85 - Magic Knight Rayearth, Policenauts, Sugoventure

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Last Topic's Ratings:

Blue Breaker: Ken Yorimo Hohoemi o - AA - 50% (2)
Gekirindan - AAB - 33% (3)
Shutsudou Miniskirt Police - B - 0% (1)
Steep Slope Sliders - AAA - 50% (3)
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire - GGAGGGG - 93% (7)
Virtua Cop 2 - AGGGAGA - 79% (7)

Miniskirt Police is another one of those games where I'm the only one that rated it and I'm fine with that. You'll get another chance when the PS1 version comes around, unfortunately.

Games for this topic:

Arthur to Astaroth no Nazo-Makai-Mura: Incredible Toons
Brain Dead 13
Magic Knight Rayearth
Sugoventure: Dragon Master Silk Gaiden
Tenchi Wo Kurau 2

Of all the games here, I'm the most intrigued by Arthur and Astaroth's Incredible Toons, which is a weird reskinning of The Incredible Machine, though Sugoventure also looks fun.

GAB PS1 #179 - Akuji the Heartless, Asteroids, Planet Laika

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Gamefaqs Link

Last Topic's Ratings:

Actua Golf 3 - GA - 75% (2)
Bogey: Dead 6 - BBB - 0% (3)
Crime Crackers - AAABAA - 83% (6)
Kaettekita Cyborg Kuro-Chan - GA - 75% (2)
Need for Speed: High Stakes - GGGGAG - 92% (6)
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals - BGG - 67% (3)

Not a bad set, but I hope more people will try Kuro-Chan, that's one of my favourite finds in a little while.

Games for this topic:

Akuji the Heartless
Dance Dance Dance
Hard Boiled
Planet Laika
SeaBass Fishing 2

I know what you're thinking, Tero forgot Christmas again, but I actually didn't! Planet Laika is a Christmas game! It's the most bizarre Christmas game ever, but it still counts. Happy holidays from GAB About Games.