Monday, March 3, 2025

GAB SAT #90 - Fighters Megamix, Langrisser 1&2, Zoku Gussun Oyoyo

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Last Topic's Ratings:

Duke Nukem 3D - AGAGG - 80% (5)
Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town - GG - 100% (2)
Riglord Saga 2 - GA - 75% (2)
Street Fighter 2 Movie - ABBB - 13% (4)
Strikers 1945 2 - GAGA - 75% (4)
Voice Idol Maniacs: Pool Bar Story - GA - 75% (2)

By comparison, this was a much more highly rated topic. There will probably be a fair number of these to come, Saturn received a number of highly acclaimed titles in its later years.

Games for this topic:

Fighters Megamix
Fishing Koushien 2
Langrisser: Dramatic Edition
Sega Ages: Memorial Collection Vol. 2
Touge: King the Spirits 2
Zoku Gussun Oyoyo

I actually don't know how we got this far without any of the Langrisser games showing up, considering Saturn has a lot of them.

GAB PS1 #184 - Action Man: Destruction X, Atelier Marie, Tecmo Stackers

Gamefaqs Link

Last Topic's Ratings:

Agile Warrior F-111X - GAAB - 50% {4}
Brightis - AAA - 50% (3)
Fifth Element, The - BABB - 13% (4)
Future Racer - AA - 50% (2)
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch - BBBBB - 0% (5)
Roland Garros French Open 2001 - BB - 0% (2)

This was not pretty. The less said about this topic the better.

Games for this topic:

Action Man: Destruction X
Atelier Marie Plus
Hive, The
Jaja Uma Quartet
Skydiving Extreme
Tecmo Stackers

I thought the first Action Man was actually pretty good, so I'm interested to see what they did with the sequel. Jaja Uma Quartet also looks kind of interesting. Also, as before, there's a translation for Atelier Marie, though it's the PS2 version and it has some differences, so bare that in mind if you're using that one as a reference.

Monday, February 17, 2025

GAB SAT #89 - Duke Nukem 3D, Riglord Saga 2, Street Fighter 2 Movie

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Gamefaqs Link

Last Topic's Ratings:

Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge - BBBBB - 0% (5)
Cleopatra Fortune - AAAAA - 50% (5)
Fantastic Pinball Kyutenkai - AAA - 50% (3)
Soukuu no Tsubasa: Gotha World - AA - 50% (2)
Thunder Force 5 - GGGAAG - 83% (6)
Wipeout 2097 - BBAA - 25% (6)

I was surprised to see quite so many votes for Cleopatra Fortune, I thought that game was more obscure.

Games for this topic:

Duke Nukem 3D
Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town
Riglord Saga 2
Street Fighter 2 Movie
Strikers 1945 2
Voice Idol Maniacs: Pool Bar Story

Riglord Saga 2 is the sequel to Mystaria / Blazing Heroes. I'm also curious to see what they did with the Street Fighter 2 movie game.

GAB PS1 #183 - Brightis, The Fifth Element, MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch

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Gamefaqs Link

Last Topic's Ratings:

Cubix: Race 'N Robots - BAB - 17% (3)
Gen'ei Tougi: Shadow Struggle - BG - 50% (2)
Groove Adventure Rave: Yuukyuu no Kizuna - AGG - 83% (3)
Jumping Flash 2 - GGGGG - 100% (5)
Player Manager 2000 - BB - 0% (2)
Vermin Kids - AB - 25% (2)

KFHEWUI and I were unusually disparate in our opinions this time. We were in total agreement again on Saturn though.

Games for this topic:

Agile Warrior F-111X
Fifth Element, The
Future Racer
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch
Roland Garros French Open 2001

I've been sort of curious about MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch for some time. I feel like it's a concept that could be hilarious, but it also feels like something that's likely to be shovelware.